Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība, teksta versija

Pārslēgties uz pilno mājas lapas versiju
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About us

The Latvian Society of the Blind is the largest and oldest public benefit organization
which unites and represents the interests of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd group visually impaird people in Latvia.

The Latvian Society of the Blind is the largest non-governmental organization in Latvia, which unites visually impaird people, legal members and supporters. The Central Board of the LSB and activists participate in the development of state policy, defending the interests of their members. The leading employees cooperate with the Ministry of Walfare of the Republic of Latvia, actively participate in the Council of Disability Affairs, where they discuss draft laws and regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia related to the social sphere, transport services, environmental accessibility, etc.

Atvērt izvēlni (vietnes karte)
Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība sociālajos tīklos:
Lapas beigas.

2025 © Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība | mājas lapas teksta versija ekrānlasošām programmām, pārslēgties uz pilno mājas lapas versiju