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Iespēja piedalīties jauniešu apmaiņas projektā "Ar sportu nojauc visus šķēršļus", Turcijā


Iespēja piedalīties jauniešu apmaiņas projektā "Ar sportu nojauc visus šķēršļus", Turcijā
Iespēja jauniešiem piedalīties starptautiskā projektā "Ar sportu nojauc visus šķēršļus". 

Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība ir kļuvusi par projektu partneri  jauniešu apmaiņas projektā "Remove all obstacles trough sports" jeb "Ar sportu nojauc visus šķēršļus". 

Projektu vada Turcijas nedzirdīgo organizācija "Talking hands". Bez LNB  projektā kā partneri piedalīsies organizācijas no Itālijas (jauniešu kristīgā organizācija), Spānijas (pielāgotas sporta nodarbības), Grieķijas (izglītības iestāde cilvēkiem ar garīgiem traucējumiem) un Lielbritānijas (pielāgotas karatē nodarbības). 
Projektā piedalīsies 6 jaunieši vecumā no 18 līdz 27 gadiem no katars valsts, kopumā 36 jaunieši. Jauniešu apmaiņa notiks Turcijas pilsētā Mersinā no 9. līdz 17. maijam, kur gan runās par sporta nozīmi, pielāgotā sporta dažādām iespējām katrā valstī un veidiem kā sports var tikt izmantots kā integrācijas mehānisms. Projekta laikā jaunieši varēs izmēģināt dažādus pielāgotos sportus, vājredzīgu un neredzīgu jauniešu projektā pārstāvētais sporta veids būs golbols. Projekta darba valoda ir angļu valoda. 

Projektam var pieteikties LNB jaunieši vecumā no 18 līdz 27 gadiem kopā ar atbalsta personu vai kļūt par grupas līderi, piedalīties aktivitāšu plānošanā, satura veidošanā un vadīt Latvijas jauniešu grupu. Par grupas līderi var kļūt ikviens, kas spēj komunicēt angļu valodā. 
Ja vēlies iesaistīties projektā, tad dod ziņu, līdz 28. martam rakstot uz 

Projekta apraksts angļu valodā: 

Along many arrangements about disabled people’s rights, there are legal assurances in the matter of sport opportunities. When we look at another law, to provide for disabled people to do sport and to extend it, to provide the sport facilities to be suitable for disabled people, to improve sport training programmes and supporting technologies, to supply necessary materials, to broadcast enlighten and consciousness-rising studies about the issue, to raise number of sport men, to collaborate with other intuitions in the matter of doing sport for disabled individuals are going to show up. However; unfortunately there are lack of knowledge about this topic in our society.We have determined that our project is going to be performed on 09-17 May in Mersin city. We have determined Italy, United Kingdom, Latvia, Spain and Greece as our partners. We have planned to include 6 participants from each country and so in total 36 participants. One participants will have disability from each group.
This participant profile is going to be shared by our partners in the announcement that we will prepare to participate in a volunteering project. After that, it will be provided for participants to apply this project with Europass CV format and motivation letter that we will share through this announcement. Our partners will take the responsibility in this topic. Each participant candidate will be responsible to introduce europass cv format and to evaluate the project by making the participants to apply the project.
One of the qualifications that participants will be chosen in our project will be their interest in disabled people and sport. Because we believe that young people should be more-educated about disabled people and participate more activities about sport. For this reason, participants’ interest that they will write on their motivation letter will be very important. Young people who work voluntarily in the regional activities about disabled people and sport , but can’t reach international dimension will be our priority.
A youth profile which is more aware about disabled people and have more knowledge and skills about including disabled people in society with this project. At the same time, these young people will be more helpful individuals in society by gaining new skills regarding disabled people and sport. Participants who will gain new knowledge and skills during a weekly process will be in society as individuals who reflect these skills to their life, enhance their self-confidence and who are more successful.
Institutions and organizations in the project will get information about including disabled people in society through sport and activities that can be done for this subject, will gain more skillful and more informed volunteers so they will become organizations that work more productively and develop their capacity. At the same time, experience and saving that they will gain by witnessing this successful process of project will help them to sign more developed projects in the forthcoming process. These organizations will sign new partnerships by keeping in touch with each other, will organize new projects.